About Florida Crew Alumni Association
The Florida Crew Alumni Association was founded in the summer of 2020, while the team was facing one of its biggest hurdles ever with the coronavirus pandemic threatening the stability of the club. Seven alumni; Joseph Briggs, Alexandra Hernandez, Molly Kane-Kacheris, Joe Lennon, Isabelle McCullough, Andy Mullins, and Brittny Ostermann came together to found the Association in cooperation with the current Florida Club Rowing Executive Board members Jessica Huie and Madelyn Kloske and Coach Chris Tippin. The Association was founded to connect alumni and organize support for the team during this hard time and for continual support in the future.
This is our Association’s internal affairs manual. It also contains a lot of legal and tax jargon which are important to our tax-exempt status. Important information you can obtain here are our composition of the board of directors and their duties, membership levels and committee structure, and meeting and election information that will be of specific interest to members.
Our nonprofit has received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the IRS and any donations made after this point are considered tax exempt. Click here for more information.
Meet our amazing Board of Directors who keep this association thriving. Our Board of Directors is comprised of our President, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Alumni Engagement, Treasurer, Secretary, and two voting Board Members. The Board meets regularly to discuss and vote on events affecting the Florida Crew Alumni Association.
The Florida Crew Alumni Association would not be what it is today without the amazing contributions of all our incredible alumni who volunteer their time to be on one of our three committees. Meet the fantastic individuals who make up our Fundraising, Communications, and Engagement Committees!

Follow us on Instagram! @Florida_Crew_Alumni
And join the alumni Facebook group!

Florida Club Rowing
7400 E University Ave
Gainesville, FL 32641
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
2020 by Florida Crew Alumni Association